02 June 2024

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson on the Death of the Movie Star

So apparently Dennis Quaid has a new movie coming out. A biopic, Reagan, about the former President. It is due out in August. And he's making some of the rounds in preparation. Though I wouldn't have guessed that Jordan Peterson is one of the places you would go to promote a movie, he does have 7.9 million subscribers on YouTube. He probably gets more viewers than your average cable late-night talk show.

This is a part the Jordan Petersen interview with Dennis Quaid - What Happened to Movie Stars? In the video they discuss the demise of the Hollywood movie star, the change in Americans' movie-going habits, and what caused these things. It is a bit rambling, but only 9 minutes. Grab a coffee.


  1. One of the things I've noticed is that there are fewer theaters to go to. The ones I use to visit have closed.

    1. More will close. I forget the exact figures, but this past Memorial Day had the worst box office in 30 or 40 years. There is exactly one movie with a chance to make a billion dollars coming out this year. (In 2018 or 19 there were 11 billion dollar movies.)

      One or 2 bad movies and people would go anyway. That was in the days when we got 1 superhero movie about every other year, an action film about every year, a couple of romantic comedies and a few horror films every year, plus some kids' movies.

      But so many bad movies were put out, and they made them so expensive that people stopped going unless they were REALLY sure it was a good movie. Spider Man: No Way Home. Top Gun: Maverick, Barbenheimer, etc. Other than that, people stay way.

      2 movies that are supposed to be good - I haven't seen either - are The Fall Guy and Furiosa. Both will lose money because no one wants a Mad Max movie without Mad Max, and even Boomers/Gen X don't remember the Fall Guy TV show. There was no reason to go, and a few reasons to be wary of spending that much money. And then there is streaming.


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