02 June 2024

Antisemitic Bullying in Toronto Schools

Because to stand up to the "junior jihadis" tormenting the Jewish minority would be hard. Or something. Toronto’s school board embraces zero tolerance policy for bullying— unless the bullied students are Jewish

When it comes to a couple of Jewish kids being bullied and even having rocks thrown at them – and yes, there are eyewitness accounts of this – the school and the school board shrug their collective shoulders, dismissing these vile incidents as a he said/she said situation.

This is set against an instance from several years back - later proven to be a hoax - in which an 11-year-old Muslim girl claimed "an Asian man tried to cut off her hijab with a pair of scissors." They accepted that story, hook line and sinker, until the authorities proved it never happened. In that case they did all the "we're outraged" dance steps. Starting with a press conference to denounce prejudice.

What's changed, aside from the ethnicity of the agreived minority? Oh, and aside from the witnesses?

A 17 minute video on the incidents in question, which includes an interview with a parent of one of the students, is at this link. The video is from Rebel News, sometimes they are good, and sometimes not. I leave that judgement to you. But a lot of media in Canada has taken to ignoring any story about antisemitic hate crimes.

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