01 June 2024

Cops Lied and Put an Innocent Man in Prison for 25 Years

From WTHR we a story about the miscarriage of Justice. Wrongfully convicted Indy speaks out after 25 years in prison

The key witness, who was delivering newspapers, was standing about 150 feet away from the shooter. She claimed the shooter was a dark Black man with no facial hair.

A few days later, that witness would pick out 22-year-old Benson, who is light-skinned and had a mustache at the time.

Why? Because she met with detectives in the case.

In March 2023, a Marion County judge determined Benson had been wrongfully convicted. It came after it was determined the detective in the case withheld key evidence that pointed to another man.

And to no one's surprise... Man freed after serving 24 years in 'wrongful murder conviction' suing Indianapolis, police officers

It was apparently "common practice" to not turn over all evidence to the defense. Even though by law they were supposed to turn over all evidence to the defense. Why? "Shut Up!" they explained.

According to Benson's lawsuit, the detective signed a sworn declaration in May 2022 that critical exculpatory evidence was never turned over to Benson or the prosecutor's office in 1998. He then allegedly admits that "failing to disclose such evidence was his routine practice." The suit claims the detective admitted "that it was his practice to withhold handwritten notes from witness interviews and handwritten notes from other law enforcement officers."

Benson's lawsuit claims the evidence pointed to another man who worked with police leading to drug ring convictions. Benson's suit claims police purposefully concealed evidence to shield the other man from prosecution.

There will be no justice for what these cops did to an innocent man. They will not be charged with a crime. I doubt they will even have to pay a dime. The city, that is the tax payers, of Indianapolis may have to pay a lot, but the people who committed this obscene miscarriage of justice with suffer no penalty. Not in this life anyway.

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