01 June 2024

People You Know Can Be a Threat

The gun-hating part of the Left loves to say that if you have a gun, you are more likely to shoot someone you know, than a complete stranger. There is a very good reason for that. Man shot and killed by relative trying to hide in home after Lehigh Acres carjackings

The soon-to-be-dead guy stated the day by a series of attempted armed carjackings. He eventually did steal a car.

The sheriff's office says Graham drove a stolen car to his relative's home on John's Avenue. He fired shots toward the home and in the front yard. The homeowner's girlfriend ran out of the back of the house.

Graham broke into the house looking for the homeowner, who was his relative.

Lehigh Acres, Florida is a community in Lee County. It is about 6 miles east of Fort Meyers.

By the time he broke into the home, the homeowner had armed himself. This took place in Florida, not New Jersey, after all. When he broke in, after already having fired shots at the home, the homeowner considered him a threat and defended himself.

Cops are giving out very few details, to protect the person who did the shooting.

The gun-hating part of the Left loves to say that if you own a firearm, you are more likely to shoot someone you know. There is a reason for that; you are more at risk from people you know. Note that they don't have to be relatives or good friends for you to know them. The creepy guy from the coffee shop, the ex-worker who morphed into a stalker, a jealous ex-boyfriend, etc. You know them. You probably don't like them. In some cases you may even have restraining orders against them. The point is, they are not perfect strangers.

Self defense is a human right, and your legal right in Florida. Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

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