11 June 2024

Adobe Has Decided That They "Own" All of Your Content

"You will own nothing and be completely pissed off"

From Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 8 June 2024: On Beyond Zebra Edition

Adobe isn't stealing your content, says Adobe. (Adobe)

Adobe did change its license terms to grant itself permission to steal your content, but Adobe says Adobe would never do that except in certain very specific circumstances, such as if it really wanted to.

To be clear, Adobe requires a limited license to access content solely for the purpose of operating or improving the services and software and to enforce our terms and comply with law, such as to protect against abusive content.

Which terms are so broad you could launch a Boeing 737-800 from them without any risk of running out of runway.

While Pixy Misa cuts to the heart of the matter, if you want a more standard tech-journalism view of the situation, you can peruse Adobe Sparks Backlash Over AI Terms That Let It 'Access, View Your Content' from PC Magazine.

Filmmakers condemn Adobe's latest terms of use update, which 'may analyze your content...to improve our Services and Software.' Those who don't accept may be locked out of their accounts.

Time to research alternatives to Adobe. Monopolies are never a good idea for customers.


  1. I had to have Adobe when I worked for the DoD. Once I retired I ended my adobe contract.

    1. There are alternatives to all of Adobe. Most are cheaper - a couple are free - because monopoly pricing only ever helps monopolies in the end


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