11 June 2024

Crime in Oakland Preventing Roads From Being Paved

From Fox News we get a story of how California is descending into utter chaos. Oakland community left with gaping potholes after crime crisis drives away construction crew

The Left is always saying that we need government to build the roads. Well the truth is you need construction workers to build the roads, and if the government won't stop crime, you won't have roads because the workers will stay away.

An East Oakland community's roads remain mottled with gaping potholes after safety concerns led a construction crew to abandon their repaving project, according to a local report.

"He essentially said that the work was suspended and he couldn't tell me the time frame when they would return because the contractor halted all the work because they felt unsafe," Shari Angarano, a resident of the Sobrante Park area, told the Daily Mail of her recent call with the project manager.

The safety concern is that a construction worker asked someone to move their car, so that paving could proceed. The car owner pulled a gun on the worker, so the crew decamped from the neighborhood.

The photos indicate that the old road surface had been removed, leaving residents with a mess.

Who is to blame. Soft on crime prosecutors, the mayor who defunded the police, state politicians who love to virtue signal. Who is not to blame? The construction crews who are not willing to risk their lives for a paycheck.

The hat tip goes to Actual Justice Warrior and his video Oakland Has COLLAPSED. It is 15 minutes.

The root cause of this particular incident is the criminal. That's the person behind that. That's the agent of chaos.

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