13 May 2024

The End of Free Speech (and Rationality) in Germany

From Gates of Vienna we get a story about how discussing reality is a criminal offense. A Hardened Criminal From the AfD

Marie-Thérèse Kaiser is district chair for Alternative für Deutschland (AfD or Alternative for Germany in English) in Lower Saxony. She is 27 years old.

At that tender age, Ms. Kaiser just became a convicted criminal for voicing her concerns about the statistics for gang rapes committed by migrants from Afghanistan.

Her crime was using statistics about past crimes committed by Afghan immigrants to express concern about accepting more immigrants. The crime of rape is of some concern, but not to the powers-that-be in Germany.

Free speech was once the cornerstone of Western Democracy. It was the crown jewel of the enlightenment, which is why it is in the 1st Amendment to our Constitution. Why is it under attack everywhere?

1 comment:

  1. Truth is no longer a defense if you've offended lefties.


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