13 May 2024

Civilization Was Nice While It Lasted

This is a sad commentary on the state of the country. 4-time felon shot Wendy's drive-thru worker because his food wasn't ready: prosecutors - CWB Chicago

Officials said that Collins went to the restaurant at 8740 South Lafayette to pick up a late-night meal around 1 a.m. on April 4. But he allegedly became irate about the untimely fulfillment of his order and opened fire on the drive-thru window.

The woman working the drive-thru was shot in the arm.

At least they didn't set him free, pending trial.

[Judge Ankur Srivastava] said the alleged crime is “so violent and horrific” that electronic monitoring, which could allow Collins to move freely two days a week, could not protect the public.

There are a few reasons that drive-thru food is not ready right away. Most of them revolve around waiting for something to cook. Did he want cold fries, or was he just throwing a temper tantrum? He wants what he wants, and he wants it NOW. That sounds like a toddler throwing a fit. Except for the part where Aaron Collins, 34, was an adult with a weapon.

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