12 May 2024

Australia Used to be a Free Country

Now they are all in on censorship. Australian Government Threatens Gab With $500,000 Fine For Refusing To Censor Video

This morning Gab received a notice from the Australian government threatening us with a fine of $500,000 for refusing to censor a video of the tragic attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney. The video was posted by a Gab user and followed with a heartfelt message from Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, who was wounded in the attack. It’s worth mentioning that Meta and X, upon receiving similar requests from the Australian government, promptly complied by removing and censoring the video, while Gab alone remained steadfast in our opposition to censorship of the video.

But then Australia implemented COVID Concentration Camps. The video of those is disturbing.

The footage of the attack at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church that the Australian government wants us to remove is undeniably distressing to watch, as it captures the sheer brutality and senselessness of the violence that unfolded. While it may be challenging for some viewers to bear witness to such a tragic event, it is crucial to recognize that this video serves a vital purpose in informing the public about the reality of this horrific incident.

So many countries it what was once called The West of abandoned the core principles of freedom. Can't do anything to upset the narrative.

1 comment:

  1. Never ceases to amaze me that good Aussie people take this tyrant crap out of their own government and police but they went along like sheep to have all their guns taken away so "obey the government or we will destroy you" naturally comes next. Very expected all one has to do is study a bit of history of tyrants who attack their own people. Re-education camps coming soon for the crime of "wrong-think".


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