21 May 2024

Indiana School Not Taking Bullying Seriously Even After Tragedy

I haven't had much to say about this tragedy , because it seems like there is nothing I can say, but one thing stands out. 10-year-old suicide victim’s father: I didn’t realize how frightened my son was

Read the article for the details. I can't stand to think about them.

After this kid killed himself over bullying at the school, Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation doesn't want to get reports about others being bullied.

Justin Henderson, the father of Sammy’s friend Josh, told NewsNation he went to his son’s school Friday morning to submit a “bullying report” over his son’s treatment. The school says Henderson, called the police and he was escorted out of the building.

If they take the report of bullying, then they might have to actually do something to put it to an end. This way they can say "we didn't know," or some other bullshit.

As someone or another said, time to homeschool kids, at least in that district.

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