21 May 2024

Delivering Pizza Can Be a Dangerous Job

And family members of dead people don't like self defense. Houston, Texas crime: Pizza delivery driver shoots customer | WTHR

The first paragraph of the article says that the delivery driver fired after "an argument." And the headline isn't much help either. Eventually, they do tell the truth.

Police said the driver went to the address to deliver a pizza and was confronted by two men demanding money at gunpoint. According to HPD, he pulled out his own gun and shot, killing one of the men. The second man reportedly ran away.

I agree with The Truth About Guns, who gets the hat tip, that "demanding money at gunpoint" doesn't sound like an argument. It sounds like armed robbery.

The dead guy's brother wants to know...

If you were the pizza delivery guy, why did you have a, why were you armed?

Maybe he was armed because people routinely try to rob pizza delivery drivers. Maybe he was armed because self defense is both a human right, and your right under the law.

The homicide will be referred to a grand jury.

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