21 May 2024

I Guess He Thought He Could Just Walk Away After a Police Chase

Insomnia means lots of YouTube videos, and that always means at least a few police chases.

A guy who was not a cop, had flashing lights in his car. When a real cop tried to stop him, he initially stopped, but then he ran. He ran from the Arkansas State Police, which is never a good idea, and rarely ends well.

The Police Pursuits video 🐶K9 Deployed! After 100 MPH PIT Maneuver, GOOD BOY takes a bite out of crime #police #canine #k9 is embedded below. From the description we get the following from after the Tactical Vehicle Intervention.

Blaine repeatedly failed to comply with orders and eventually, Officer Darrell Prewitt with the Marion Police Department deployed his K-9. Blaine was then taken into custody. Upon a search of the suspect's vehicle, a firearm, a handheld radio, a tactical belt consistent with what is commonly used by law enforcement, and the above-mentioned flashing lights were discovered. Blaine was transported to Crittenden Baptist Hospital by West Memphis Fire and Rescue for the injuries he obtained from the K-9 deployment.

When he was not complying, he was casually walking away from the scene, before the K-9 was let loose to play with his new chew toy.

Note that the PIT/TVI "disabled" the vehicle he was driving.

After the K-9 subdued the guy, and he was taken into custody, he apparently said that he respects the police "highly," or some such nonsense. One cop took offense at that statement.

See the video description for more details including all of the charges. The charges include:

5-36-106 THEFT BY RECEIVING $1,000 - $5,000

And also - of course - driving on a suspended license.

There is no great lesson to be learned, or insight to gleaned from this encounter; it is just 8 minutes of entertainment with a happy ending. No one was killed. (The ASP does not mess around, and bad things sometimes happen to bad guys.) The (alleged) bad guy was arrested, and a K-9 got to play with a chew toy for a bit. Alleged, though there is a whole bunch of video evidence of what happened. About 8 minutes.

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