10 May 2024

Friday Links - 10 May

Juliette Ochieng starts us off with a comment on the state of the internet. Tactical Assault: Trolls have utility

I plead guilty to finding these people - online trolls - entertaining. It’s said that one should not feed trolls, but for a long time, I’ve been of the opposing opinion. You should always feed trolls because, in the end, they end up feeding you; via traffic, sure.

Vlad Tepes - Paul Weston reminds us of critical facts over Covid and deaths which point right at the guilty and must not be washed away

So about Matt Hancock. Remember these things he did and said?

Pirate's Cove - If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

Mike Rowe - Peggy Rowe + 1

So – being forward of fifty myself – I decided to accompany her to the event, introduce her to the crowd, and see for myself what she says to large groups of people while unsupervised, before I headed home to California.

In short, I’m pleased to report that she absolutely crushed it.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 7 May 2024: Excluded Mondays Edition

Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption. (The Verge)

By which The Verge means Republicans are objecting to laws and regulations designed to make internal combustion vehicles more expensive and less efficient.

Lone Star Parson - What Have We Done (Amazing photos!)

Nothing good, American cities didn't used to be the urban hellhole wastelands they've become. But maybe you doubt me and think "it's always been this way." No, it hasn't, here's a few before and afters.

Flopping Aces - Food Deserts are the Fruit of Democrat Policies

Food deserts are one of those consequences. Retailers are typically not charities. They exist to make money. When violence, security costs and shoplifting make it so they can’t make money, they usually close. Hence, when all the food stores close, you have said “food deserts”.

Power Line - Is The New York Times Hopeless?

Well yes, of course. But at the Wall Street Journal, James Freeman highlights an interview with the Times’s current executive editor, Joseph Kahn. Hope springs eternal, I guess:

The Other McCain - A Made-for-TV Travesty: Can You Guess Who Takes Stormy Daniels Seriously?

The whole point of Bragg’s case — the raison d’être of this illegitimate prosecution — is to help reelect Joe Biden (which assumes, of course, that Biden actually was elected in 2020, but they’ll condemn you as a dangerous “extremist” if you raise questions about that). And this partisan campaign effort relies upon the willing cooperation of the media, to give it the semblance of being a serious legal matter (which, as previously explained, it’s not).

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