10 May 2024

Bets on Whether the Cops Identified Themselves?

They aren't releasing many details, because that might make them look bad. Brownsville officer shot, hospitalized

Shortly after 10 p.m., Brownsville police officers responded to a home on the 0 block of Coahuila Ct. for a report of an open door.

First, when did an open door in spring/summer become an issue for police attention?

Granted it is hot and humid in Brownsville, Texas this time of year. It is on the Gulf of Mexico, right up against the border with Mexico. Even under those conditions, it is sometimes desirable to air out the house, say if you burned something in the kitchen, or even if the house has just been closed up for a long time.

Second, did they arrive with lights and sirens? My guess is no, since the photo indicates a suburban neighborhood. No need to disturb the neighbors, we will just approach this open door quietly. After all, what's the worst that could happen?

While officers were investigating the open door, the homeowner shot at the officers on his property, striking one of them in the chest, police said.

Since the homeowner is "being questioned" and not under arrest (or dead), I'm going to consider that more evidence that the cops know they f-ed up. I could be wrong, but I won't be surprised if I'm right.

I'm going to call this self-defense, because I believe that is what the homeowner thought he faced. Two unknown people approaching his open door at 10 PM. He still may be in trouble, because not everyone who approaches you house is a threat, but I still want to know if they were screaming "Brownsville Police," or if they were being stealthy.

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