04 March 2024

As If the Alligators Weren't Enough, Now It Is Bears

At least the bear didn't get into the kitchen. Hungry bear knocks on Florida woman's kitchen window

A homeowner in Santa Rosa Beach in Florida, USA, got an unexpected visitor on February 22: a huge black bear wandered up to Hannah Bowyer's home and began knocking on the window of her kitchen door, as if asking for food.

Santa Rosa Beach is located on the Gulf Coast of Florida's panhandle. It is about an hour and a half drive east of Pensacola, and about 45 minutes west of Panama City Beach.

And yes, there have been reports of alligators in the kitchen.


  1. Last time I was down at Santa Rosa Beach (a beautiful area) there was an alligator on the beach one morning. I've seen some big sharks in the water there too.

    1. There are always sharks in salt water in Florida. I have also seen sharks in the entrance to the Manatee River in Bradenton/Palmetto.

      If your in the extreme south of the Everglades, there are American Crocodiles in the salt water.

      There are (almost) always gators in the fresh water, and they may be in brackish water as well.

      When I lived down there my policy was to stay in the boat as much as possible...


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