08 February 2024

Sticking It To the Working People, One Stupid Law At a Time

They're helping. They really are. Or they think they are anyway. Seattle's Inept Lawmakers Just Made Life Even Harder for Delivery Drivers Because of Their Stupid Laws

So the Progressives have thought of a new way to help screw over people trying to make a living. Make it harder for people to afford their services.

If you’re looking for yet another story showing how government interference makes everything worse, this is the article for you, dear reader.

In this episode, we have the city of Seattle, whose government magnanimously decided to pass legislation to force consumers to pay app delivery workers an extra $5 for each of their orders. The measure was ostensibly intended to supplement the income people earn from working with companies like Uber Eats and Doordash.

And the unintended consequences strike, almost immediately. You see Door Dash and the like are already expensive. So the "law makers" decided to make it even more expensive. Can you guess what happened? People stopped using the service, or they stopped giving tips.

Shagen also indicated that “tips are going down because they think we’re making all this money.” One driver indicated that he used to make about $931 per week. But after the law went into effect, he pulled in about $464.81.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when government officials decide to continue meddling in the wild world of business. For some reason, these people took it upon themselves to determine that delivery drivers were not making enough money, so they passed legislation ensuring that they would make even less.

Idiots. It doesn't take a genius to realize that if you make something more expensive, you will get less of it. And it doesn't take a student of history to know that command economies NEVER work.

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