08 February 2024

More Self-Defense in the Windy City

Chicago reporters are still a bit confused about when Concealed Carry Licenses are required. Concealed carry holder shoots home invader on South Side | WGN-TV

A man was shot after he broke into an apartment on the city’s South Side.

So how you respond if someone broke into your home at 12:30 in the morning? (The time is not in the article, it is in the newscast.)

As for the licensing question, when the defender was inside his own home...

Police said the 29-year-old is a licensed concealed carry holder and was not injured.

My guess is that "police said" in answer to a stupid question from a know-nothing reporter, or that they just threw that info out there knowing that someone would ask if they didn't. While Illinois does require a Firearm Owners ID card to legally own a gun, Not even the People's Republic of Chicago requires a concealed carry license in your own home.

I really wish that reporters would get over their hatred, and fear, of firearms enough to at least learn a little bit about the laws surrounding guns, and legal self-defense. These stories are becoming more common, even in places like Chicago. I think that means that the law-abiding citizens are waking up to the fact that the police cannot ensure your safety, and in places like Chicago, they are being prevented from maintaining basic law and order. Put people in jail? That is just so mean. Or something.

While the investigation continues, the police make it sound like a fairly straight forward case of self-defense.

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