09 February 2024

Get Woke, Go Broke - Video Gaming Edition

If you are at all in touch with the current world of gaming, you probably know that Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, which was recently released, is, in the words of Melonie Mac, a gigantic trash fire.

It has been years since I played computer/video games. Working 60 hours a week in Info Tech didn't help - and not wanting to spend more time in front of a screen at the end of the work day. Then living on a boat with very limited, sometimes no, internet access, and very limited space didn't help. And that period was all about getting away from technology. Well, in part. At least at the beginning.

And so when I write about The Woke Brigade destroying popular culture, I usually concentrate on movies and TV, but I do still keep up with some stuff going on in gaming, because it is a big part of the popular culture. The Right made a huge mistake when they turned up their noses at popular culture: Comic Books, Movies, TV, Gaming. Politics is downstream from culture, and the Right abandoned culture to the Left and politics suffered. They also abandoned education to the far progressive Left; look how that has turned out.

And besides, basking in the schadenfreude of these companies is more entertaining that most things coming out of gaming companies, and just about everything coming from Hollywood these days.

Rocksteady is a gaming studio in the United Kingdom. They created a few excellent (and financially successful) games around the DC character of Batman, generally known as the Batman: Arkham series. They were called out for being too white and too male, so a couple of key people left, and eventually took a lot of talent with them. The new Rocksteady is much more diverse, and more Woke. They just released a new game in that series called Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. They also called on the services of a "consulting" company, whose goal is to make shit woke. The new game is Woke, and it seems to be in the process of failing in a big way.

People who bought early access, so that they would be able to review the game were greeted with numerous system problems. See the link from the 1st video listed below below starting at 4:47, and running for about 2 minutes.

You know things are bad when Mutahar [a game reviewer] is screaming into his shirt and laughing like he's becoming The Joker, but it's not surprising that the reception around the game was always destined to be nuclear-levels of bad.

It isn't just a few YouTubers who have a problem with game. Google searches for terms like "Refund Rocksteady Suicide Squad" have been trending ever since the problems with the servers started impacting early access, and even after those got straightened out, the reviews of the game play were not good.

The there is the scene where a female character sexually assaults a male character, and Endymion's discussion of what the press/Left would do if the rolls were reversed. Harley Quinn, gropes Deadshot's ass. Imagine what the press/Left/Woke Scolds would say if the roles were reversed.

The video embedded below, is the newer video from Endymion. I actually like his earlier offering a bit more. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Refunds SKYROCKET + Woke Rocksteady Panics as Reviews Implode.

I mean, how can you not like a gaming review that brings up the concept of The Ship of Theseus? Is something the same as it was, if all of the individual pieces have been replaced? Is it the same axe used by George Washington if the handle has been replaced 5 times and head of the axe replaced once? Is it still Rocksteady if all, or even most, of the developers who made it great have left?

This is Endymion's video Woke Journalists TARGET EndymionTv + Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Failure is YOUR Fault?! I guess you know that you've hit a nerve when the press calls you out by name for having a non-approved opinion about a video game. The future is stupid.

The "consulting company" that has managed to kill a couple of a game series through woke additions, is Sweet Baby, Inc. Melonie Mac the link at the top of this post goes into them a bit. Their mission statement reads like the outline for a DEI seminar.

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