09 February 2024

Deadspin Sued for Defamation

They lied about a kid wearing blackface, and when called out, they refused to back down. Family Of Kid Accused Of Blackface Sues Deadspin

Last November, Deadspin posted an article falsely framing a nine-year-old Kansas City Chiefs fan for wearing blackface during an NFL game.

The author, Carron J. Phillips, showed only the side of the kid's face painted black; not the full image showing he was wearing black and red face paint in support of the Chiefs.

The magazine even threatened to sue the family of the kid, if they "took legal action," after that subject came up at the time. I guess they thought they could hide behind an army of lawyers. But after Nicholas Sandmann and the Covington Catholic High School insanity in the media, that doesn't seem to be a winning strategy.

"By selectively capturing from the CBS broadcast an image of H.A. showing only the one side of his face with black paint on it — an effort that took laser-focused precision to accomplish given how quickly the boy appeared on screen: Phillips and Deadspin deliberately omitted the half of H.A.’s face with red paint on it.

"H.A. did not wear a costume headdress because he was ‘taught hate at home’—he wore it because he loves the Kansas City Chiefs’ football team and because he loves his Native American heritage."

The lawsuit states the accusations caused "enormous damage" to the Armenta family, as detailed ...

Click thru for the details, how Deadspin tried to spin the story, how they have never retracted nor apologized.

I hope the magazine goes bankrupt, and that the reporters/editors involved in the story are also personally held to account for their actions.

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