09 February 2024

Lever-Action Firearms Described as "Deadly Innovation"

From Bearing Arms we get a report on the gun-fearing Left, and how a 160 year old firearm design sent them into shock. Everytown Describes Lever-Actions as 'Deadly Innovation'

Lever-action firearms, for example, have been with us for coming up on two centuries now. So a company that’s decided to get into the lever action game would show it off at SHOT.

And the folks at Everytown’s The Smoking Gun has decided to complain about all the goodies there in a piece headlined, “DEADLY INNOVATIONS FROM THE 2024 SHOT SHOW”

Yes, the all caps was their idea.

OK, I will bend so far as to note that the repeating rifle was introduced in large quantities during the Civil War. That ran from 1861 to1865, so it is not really fair to say they have been with us for 200 years. Saying more than 160 years would be fair.

But however you count out the years, it seems that a lever-action gun, is now a dangerous innovation. At least according to people with no perspective on history.

Click thru for the details and more Leftist insanity.

Hat tip to The DaleyGator: Then they came for your lever action rifle….

Face facts. The left wants you DISARMED period,

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