09 February 2024

Next Up for the UK - Common Sense Slingshot Control

You can't make this up. (In the parlance of the place where Great Britain used to be, catapult = slingshot.) Wildlife volunteers repeatedly called to catapult attacks on swans

Another example of how the British and the Americans are two peoples separated by a common language. Technically what you probably picture in your mind when you read the word "catapult" is an onager, with trebuchet running a close second. If you picture a ballista, you might need help.

Wildlife volunteers are reporting a rise in people targeting swans with catapults, with at least nine birds attacked this year.

So it is for a good cause! Of course next I suspect that they will make it illegal to pick up a stone, with the intent to throw it. Because what else can they do?

But for now they are collecting signatures for a petition to make slingshots illegal. Guns and knives are already illegal. Now slingshots. Sticks and stones will be next.

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