19 February 2024

Louisiana Has a Shortage of Police

Actually most of the country has a shortage. Louisiana governor declares state of emergency due to police shortage | AP News

Nationwide stats are available on retiring and resigning police.

Officer resignations were up 47% in 2022, compared with 2019,the year before the pandemic and Floyd’s murder, according to a survey of nearly 200 police agencies by the Police Executive Research Forum, a Washington, DC.-based think tank. Retirements are up 19%.

Apparently it isn't just the large cities that are having trouble with staffing.

Agencies around the U.S. have experienced police shortages in recent years that many in law enforcement blame on a morale hit stemming from the coronavirus pandemic and criticism of police that boiled over with the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Small towns, including in Maine, Texas and Ohio, have disbanded their police departments, turning over law enforcement work to county sheriffs, a neighboring town or state police.

So what happens when you don't have police to enforce the rule of law? Or when you convince them NOT to enforce the rule of law? All you have to do is look at Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Los Angeles, etc. to find out. You fail to get the rule of law.

This is where I always mention Hobbes' Leviathan, because the idea that you MUST enforce the rule of law is not new. Hobbes published Leviathan in 1651. In that book he describes the State of War that ensues when law and order break down. I think "war zone" pretty accurately describes what is happening in our cities.

So what will you do when you call 911, and no one comes to save you?

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