12 January 2024

How Many FBI Informants Were Involved in January 6th?

Not even the FBI knows for sure. FBI lost count of number of informants at Capitol on Jan. 6: ex-official

The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.

At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureau’s Washington field office.

The FBI has also been under investigation by some inspector general for how they use Confidential Human Sources. They spend $42 million of taxpayers' money on this, but it isn't clear if the quality of the data is any good.

Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund has said that, in addition to the paid informants, the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd plus an estimated 20 from the Department of Homeland Security.

When do we say, "Enough," and pull the funding?

1 comment:

  1. "When do we say, "Enough," and pull the funding?"

    -- perhaps the bigger question is "When did we ever have control of the funding?" There are so many people passing laws and writing regulations, spending money on things no one seems to want, that I have to ask how "we" would even do something about it. And what could we possibly do? We object, they act anyway. We vote, they fraud, or only run candidates they control.

    If, by some miracle, funding is cut, they find off-books ways to continue funding what they want to do. Iran-Contra anyone? It's been going on a long time.

    It's more than a little frustrating and disheartening.


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