12 January 2024

Off the Books Communication Is NOT the Definition of Transparency

Is anyone really shocked that a Chicago Politician, and the people he surrounded himself with, "bent" the rules? From Andrew C. McCarthy at the NY Post: Obama, Clinton and Biden ALL used secret, fake-name email accounts to hide their actions

As I argued at the time, one of the main reasons the Obama Justice Department whitewashed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criminally negligent mishandling of classified information, through the lawless homebrew server system she set up for doing official government business, is that Obama was implicated.

He knew that she was using a non-government communications channel because, numerous times, she used it to correspond with him.

Something like 5 of the last 8 Illinois governors went to prison on corruption charges. (I stopped trying to keep track.) The list of Chicago politicians that have done the same is immense. And yes, Obama was a Chicago Machine politician. (Hat tip to John Lott.)

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