19 December 2023

Tuesday Links - 19 December

The Blaze starts things off with Kyle Rittenhouse tells Tucker Carlson liberal reporters are worse than Antifa

Throughout and even after his trial, liberal reporters and talking heads trafficked in false claims about Rittenhouse. While he opened fire in self-defense and with great restraint, he was characterized as a murderer. While his deceased attackers were white, he was routinely accused of killing black men and being a racist.

The Other McCain - Which One of You ‘Christofascists’ Urinated in A.R. Moxon’s Cornflakes?

Say hello to A.R. Moxon, a writer who has a Substack where he rants against Republicans or, as he calls them “the sort of Christian Nationalists who would love to see a fascist dictator take power to install a white nationalist Christofascist ethnostate.” That is the eminent danger, the existentialist threat, according to A.R. Moxon

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 18 December 2023: Ea-Nasir Walks Into A Bar Edition

The Wikipedia entry for the Ship of Theseus has now been edited so many times that none of the original content remains. (Twitter)

On the plus side we may have deciphered the world's oldest "walks into a bar" joke.

Jews Can Shoot - Israeli leftist response to Israel’s relaxing of gun restrictions after the October 7 Hamas attack. It is about control of the population.

Yisrael Avisar wrote a letter to the minister imploring him to stop the permissive gun policy “a moment before there is a loss of control.”

Granite Grok - US Military ‘Poster Boy’ For COVID Vaxx Dies Suddenly at the Age of 39

Lt. Col. Jered Little, “commander of Public Health Activity-Hawaii,” was proudly advertised en masse to encourage uptake of the COVID Vaccine. He died suddenly on Nov. 30 of a heart attack or stroke.

Juvat at Chant du Départ - God Bless us one and all!

Well, Campers, it's been a busy week. Mrs. J has been slowly getting the house ready for the familial invasion starting this next week. The pick up of Little J last week went well. He's now able to sleep through until about 4AM and doesn't necessarily need a nap in the afternoon.

However, just because HE doesn't need a nap doesn't mean that Miss B doesn't, so he tends to take one at the same time. Frankly, I'm jealous.

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