04 November 2023

What's The Opposite of Diversity?

University. Rutgers Law School Incident Proves That DEI Bureaucrats Don’t Care About Jews

You are the wrong minority to receive any help (or protection) from a university.

The past few weeks have shown us that antisemitism is common on American college campuses. The incidents range from students holding signs saying “Keep the World Clean” with the Star of David to death threats sent to Cornell’s Kosher dining hall.

The article follows the case of Yoel Ackerman, a first-year student at Rutgers Law School, who wasn't just put in a position to deal with students, the bureaucracy went after him.

With the ubiquity of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officers and “safe spaces,” it is anathema that little is done to keep Jewish students safe.

Go read the whole thing.

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