04 November 2023

“Hollywood Clearly Does Not Understand Women”

Politics are downstream from culture, and I believe that the Right made a serious miscalculation when they abandoned culture to the Left. "It's only movies." "They are only comic books." It turns out that they are only the culture, and that is in serious trouble today.

A lot of the videos on YouTube taking shots at Hollywood in General or Disney in particular, and most of the ones that I have featured, are usually focused on a single movie or show, like the Disney live-action remake of Snow White, or a single aspect of a given movie franchise.

Baggage Claim, a YouTube channel that I only ran across recently, takes a more holistic approach the issue of how Hollywood is portraying women, whether that is in the MCU, or Amazon's bastardization of Lord of the Rings, or in a less fantastic movie setting. It is six minutes that I think is worth watching.

This is the Baggage Claim video Hollywood HATES Women

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