04 November 2023

Antisemitism on Cornell University

The media is pushing for leniency even before the dust settles. Vile Cornell Anti-Semite Arrested, and He/Him Isn't a White Supremacist

The FBI arrested 21 year old Patrick Dai after he posted threats on a message board.

Dai, an engineering student, hails from Pittsford, N.Y., and is accused of making serious threats, which include a mass shooting of Jews as well as the following:

  1. "If I see another Jew on campus. If I see another pig male Jew on campus I will slit your throat."
  2. "If I see another pig female Jew I will drag you away and rape you and throw you over a cliff."
  3. "If I see a pig baby Jew I will behead you in front of your parents."

And of course being a follower the standard Social Justice Warriro cult, his bio includes his preferred pronouns.

The Hat Tip goes to The Other McCain: Engineering Majors Are Dangerous: Feds Arrest Student Who Threatened Jews.

In which it is noted that Dai's parents, as well as the media, are pushing the idea that he shouldn't be punished because of depression.

What the suspect’s parents are saying is that their son is daft, deranged, demented, berserk, bonkers, cracked, wacky, zany, non compos mentis, nuttier than a Snickers bar, off his rocker and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Which may or may not work as a defense against federal charges — I’m not a lawyer — but weren’t some of those arrested in the J6 riot also depressed? Bummed out by the election?

Crazy people are dangerous.

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