17 September 2023

More Censorship From YouTube

From Larry Johnson at The Gateway Pundit: YouTube Censoring Evidence Of Ukrainian Troops Embracing Nazi Symbols

If you have some genuine information about Nazis in Ukraine, YouTube will prevent you from posting. I tried repeatedly tonight to upload the second video below to YouTube. No deal. The algorithm identified the Nazi content and refused to allow me to upload the video to my YouTube channel. So much for free speech (I had to use Rumble).

But never fear, it isn't all Nazi content that YouTube is censoring. They are happy to post videos about Nazis in the USA.

Lest you think that YouTube rejects all Nazi content, think again. YouTube is quite happy to allow a documentary on rightwing American Nazis. No problem.

Click thru for videos and a short discussion of why it might be that YouTube is working overtime to support the narrative that everyone in Ukraine is a wonderful person, and more.

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