17 September 2023

Employee Fired for Defending Himself

Corporations hate self-defense even more than District Attorneys hate self-defense. Pregnant woman shot by Nashville Walgreens clerk indicted; no indictment of employee

Now the media would like you to believe that he shot the pregnant woman because she was shoplifting, because that would just be awful.

But that isn't the truth.

The clerk told police that he had confronted two women in the parking lot for allegedly stealing items from the store when one of the women sprayed him with a can of mace. He said he pulled out his semi-automatic handgun and fired multiple times in self defense.

The pregnant woman was injured. Her baby was not injured but an emergency c-section was performed.

The two women were indicted, and the clerk was not.

The clerk was fired from his job as Walgreens team leader, the company said.

I suppose I need to research alternatives to Walgreens. But I doubt any of them are any better.

1 comment:

  1. Got tired of waiting for the pharmacist to "open the safe." Then Pride month was the final straw. Rainbow painted women demanding I say hello on the way in, knowing full well that they hated me for being a normal white male.


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