11 September 2023

I'm Shocked That Climate "Scientists" Would Shade the Truth

Science has not been the pure search for Truth for a very long time. Bay Area scientist 'left out the full truth' to get study on climate change fueling wildfires published

But Brown this week dropped a bomb on the journal — as well as his study’s co-authors who are staunchly defending the team’s work. In an online article, blog post and social media posts, Brown said he “left out the full truth to get my climate change paper published,” causing almost as much of a stir as the alarming findings themselves.

Brown wrote that the study didn’t look at poor forest management and other factors that are just as if not more important to fire behavior because “I knew that it would detract from the clean narrative centered on the negative impact of climate change and thus decrease the odds that the paper would pass muster with Nature’s editors and reviewers.” He added such bias in climate science “misinforms the public” and “makes practical solutions more difficult to achieve.”

Imagine that. A "scientific journal" that only wants to publish something that supports The Narrative™, and "scientists" who feel the same way. They are probably spurred on my the need to publish. (Publish or Perish.)

RTWT. Hat tip. And I'm not really all that shocked.

1 comment:

  1. Government funded science has become agenda based science.

    Entitled scientist's don't want to lose the perks that go along with producing a product the government wants.


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