10 September 2023

Az BREAKS The Internet!

Az, of Heel vs Babyface, had purchased the early rights to Bethesda Game Studio's Starfield, so that he could stream/review it. After playing it for a couple of hours - I think before he ended the stream - he went on a rant about the inclusion of "choose your pronouns" at the beginning of the game, while you set up your character. The rant went viral.

The first cancel-culture mob reaction was to say, "It's no big deal." Then they proceeded to make a big deal out of it by trying to cancel Az, and (again) cancel everyone associated with Az, like FNT. Finally Bethesda banned mods, which were already being released, that would allow you to remove the pronoun insanity. Why? Because "it's no big deal" is a lie. Pronouns are apparently everything to the Left.

While I can absolutely recommend the entire 15 minute video. The first minute and a half is gold. Someone took Az's rant and set it to music; it is classic.

Here's a great quote from Gary B. from about 8 minutes in.

Every meetup you go to, what do you hear the most? "I thought I was alone." ... You're not crazy; they want you to think you're crazy.

This is an excerpt from Friday Night Tights, as served up by Nerdrotic Daily: PRIMAL RAGE! Heel vs Babyface BREAKS The Internet! Is Starfield WOKE?

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