15 August 2023

Don't Start Nothing, Won't Be Nothing

This is another story of how people you know can be a threat. Shooting in Winston-Salem sends one person to the hospital | wfmy news2

The gun-hating part of the Left, loves to go on at length about how if you own a gun, you are more likely to shoot someone you know than a complete stranger. There is a reason for that. Complete strangers don't usually show up at your home to assault you. They may try to steal your stuff, but strangers don't usually just have mayhem on their minds.

There was a social gathering on Sunday afternoon at the home.

Police said Agama-Renteria arrived at the residence, uninvited, and assaulted the homeowner. Police said at one point, a partygoer brandished a handgun and shot him.

Police said the homeowner knew Agama-Renteria.

The guy who got shot was shot in the leg. He was taken to a local hospital where he is expected to survive.

The investigation continues, but self-defense is a human-right. While North Carolina is usually a state that respects the right to self-defense, I have no idea how Winston-Salem is on that front.

The title of this post comes from a line from the movie Men in Black.

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