15 August 2023

Tuesday Links - 15 August

Stately McDaniel Manor is first with Electric Vehicle Week #3! A compendium of electric vehicle fails.

Welcome to the third big installment of SMM’s Electric Vehicle week! Sadly, this week has only reduced my EV article backlog by only about half, but we struggle onward regardless.

The Other McCain - When the ‘Investigation’ Is a Cover-Up

What Democrats are doing here, of course, is a variation of the Mueller “investigation,” altered to suit their new purposes. Remember what happened in 2017: Trump discovered after becoming president that the FBI had been doing surveillance on his campaign on the false pretext of “Russian collusion” (which pretext, of course, was manufactured by the Clinton campaign using the phony Steele dossier).

EBL - Blame Hawaii Democrats For Maui Fires đŸ”„

Hawaii is under almost 100% Democrat control and that has been true for many decades. Democrat leadership should be held accountable for this disaster.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 13 August 2023: First Among Sequels Edition

Taking a look at ChatGPT answers to Stack Overflow questions - a devil's brew of epistemic closure if I ever saw one - researchers found that ChatGPT had no better than a 50% chance of being correct, and for the best and most authoritative answers - the ones that were accepted by the questioner as definitive - ChatGPT was wrong 77% of the time.

Again from The Othe McCain - ‘Huddled Masses’ Update: Why Is This ‘Crisis’ Costing New York Billions?

The reason Democrat-controlled “blue” states are now caterwauling about their “crisis” is that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, whose state has been coping for years with the flood of illegal immigrants caused by the failure of the federal government to secure the border, decided to start sending busloads of these asylum seekers to the places where liberals vote for “sanctuary laws” and elect liberal Democrats who embrace such policies.

Volokh Conspiracy - Cornell Free Speech Alliance Launches

An encouraging sign for the future of American higher education has been the emergence of local faculty groups organizing themselves to advance free speech principles at their particular institution.

American Greatness - Joe Biden’s Race Against the Truth

Joe Biden’s serial yarn that he never knew anything about his son Hunter’s quid pro quo grifting with rich foreign grandees has been finally exposed as the old lie it always was.

Biden’s fallback untruth—that he never got involved in Hunter’s business—proved instantly laughable, given prior damning testimonies from Hunter’s business associates, from IRS whistleblowers, from the assertions of foreign beneficiaries, from Hunter’s own laptop, and from Joe’s own earlier loudmouth braggadocio about using threats of canceling U.S. foreign aid to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into corruption of the sort in which his own son was knee deep.

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