25 July 2023

Tuesday Links - 25 July

EBL starts things rolling with Barbie is Hot Pink Woke Man Hating Mess đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ˜Ź

I can't say I am surprised with Greta Gerwig at the helm. She has a track record for this.

There is a lot of buzz about this movie. I suspect it will have a big opening. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, once word of mouth gets out there.

Small Dead Animals - O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer.

The Other McCain - Crazy People Are Dangerous

The gunman’s motive is unknown, but of course, schizophrenia is sufficient in that regard. No one has suggested race as a motive, but do you think the national media would just ignore that angle if the gunman had been white and his victims were all black? I don’t think so.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 22 July 2023: Deadn't Edition

If you ask the new AI-powered search engines - Bing with ChatGPT and Google with it's home-grown Bard - for buying recommendations for computer hardware, they will point you to products that don't exist, and so does this article. (Tom's Hardware)

It mentions AMD's 7950 XTX, which is not something you can buy anywhere.

Pirate's Cove - Good News: Brandon Regime Plans New Water Heater Standards. I love it when politicians pretend they are engineers.

Tankless water heater maker Rinnai, however, said the proposed standards for its products were “technologically impossible” and would reduce consumer choice.
Technologically impossible. Sounds about right.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - Tiny Dancer Is Not OK! Example 1: Yamaha TW200. There is also, part 2, and maybe part 3 eventually. (AC was wound up!)

If you’re going to rumble your $30,000 chromed bagger through town with the radio blaring, it had better be something better than a fucking gay ass tune about a ballerina!

Don Surber - When Ray Charles culturally appropriated Eddy Arnold

The Washington Post — owned by Jeff Bezos — ventured into country music this weekend. It did not go well because if there is one thing DC journalists know less than guns, it is country music.

Moonbattery - Why They Don’t Want You to Watch Sound of Freedom

Mainly, it is because Sound of Freedom forcefully brings home the reality of the struggle between good and evil. The liberal establishment opposes this, because evil flourishes in the darkness. That’s why Bloomberg published an attack piece written by an actual child rape advocate.

Meep at Stump - Sunday Sundries: Sumo, Saints, and SHARKS!

What we are seeing here are for the entire period of 1999-2020, only 32 deaths are attributed to “Contact with marine animal” — that goes well beyond sharks. Could be starfish for all we know.

Again from The Other McCain - ‘Joys of Progress’ Update

So, Laughton showed these images to two different people, and actually sent them via text message to one of them, like, “Hey, want to see evidence of the federal felonies that I’m involved in?”

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