12 June 2023

When You Confuse Sexuality with Political Ideology

There is this idea in the West, that if I ask you one question - your position on abortion, your position on guns, your sexuality, etc. - that 1 answer will dictate every other political position that you hold. The assumption is that you MUST walk in lockstep with your tribe. And if you have the nerve to deviate from your assigned positions - if you're gay or lesbian and you believe in the 2nd Amendment (an example not selected at random) - you will ostracized from your community. Banished. Outlaw. Whatever. You are now no longer a member of the cult, and you will be treated accordingly.

This is a short segment that touches on that.

And yes, it is mostly a clip from Piers Morgan's show, but so what. He roasts Sam Smith with help from Douglas Murray

See what this kid thinks is that your sexuality is an ideology. Right. So he hears Douglas Murray pushing back against Sam Smith, or pushing back against the broader LGBTQI+lmnop-two-spirit thing, and he automatically thinks you must be straight, because he's assuming it's not a sexuality, it's a political ideology, and thus is the problem.

This is the Dave Rubin Report video Guest Makes This Assumption About Douglas Murray & It Gets Brutal Fast. It is a 4 minute video

I never fit too well into the "queer community." I have been an investor in stocks since I inherited about 100 shares of Westinghouse from my grandfather, and I asked my dad to explain why these people were sending me a check for $14.37 (or whatever it was) four times a year. When I inherited that stock at 11 or 12, $14 was a lot of money. By the time I graduated from high school, I knew how to read a balance sheet, a statement of cash flows, I knew who Warren Buffett was, etc. So the whole Leftist-socialist bent didn't fit well.

Add in that a dear friend was threatened by her cop boyfriend, and I knew that you had to be able to defend yourself, because you couldn't count on the cops. The cops might even be the problem. And I knew you especially couldn't count on Chicago Cops and that they could be a problem. (But that is another story.)

When I finally "came out" as member of the 2A community, people I thought were my friends turned their backs on me. I had committed the one unforgivable sin; I stopped being a Democrat. I was no longer a part of cult.

1 comment:

  1. Well you are sister in the second amendment community and we are far more inclusive. I have no expectations of any other boxes to check, what you do is enough.


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