12 June 2023

An Escort Carrier for the Next War?

From CDR Salamander - 21st Century Jeep Carrier - but Faster and for UAS

A Jeep Carrier, or more correctly an Escort Carrier, was a small, slow aircraft carrier built during WWII to provide antisubmarine aircraft cover for convoys trudging across the Atlantic. 124 were built for both the US Navy and the Royal Navy.

Probably something needs to be done, or will be, given that the US Navy has basically said they are not in the business of protecting commerce. (Something that navies have done since the big square-sailed boats of the early 1800s were at sea, and probably longer than that. But now the US Navy is not interested in protecting merchant vessels.

Big Navy has already told them they’re on their own.

Click thru for more on the Jeep Carriers, some thoughts on protecting commerce from the Cold War, and more.

What, do you seriously think that there won't be a next great war? What do you think is going on in Ukraine right now? A tea party? (Hat tip to Wombat-socho.)

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