11 June 2023

Third Time's the Charm - Bridge Collapse Edition

I think they might want to find a better construction firm. A bridge under construction in India's Bihar state has collapsed -- for the second time | CNN

A four-lane concrete bridge being built across the River Ganges in the east Indian state of Bihar has collapsed for the second time in just over a year, once again raising questions about the quality of its construction. [SNIP]

The Sultanganj Bridge has collapsed twice since construction began in 2017, the first time in April last year before Sunday’s catastrophic failure. It’s not clear why the bridge collapsed last year or if those problems had been rectified.

The bridge was designed by a Canadian firm who issued a "statement" that says nothing.

The construction company has been strangely silent. (Unexpectedly?)

The video of the collapse at the CNN link above is beset with commercials. See the video at reddit: r/CatastrophicFailure - an under construction bridge collapsed in Bihar, 04 June 2023.

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