11 June 2023

Attending Religious Services Has Become Dangerous

And it is only likely to get worse. One of the most dangerous hours in America is now 11 o'clock on Sunday morning - CBS Miami

  1. 2007 - New Life Church in Colorado Springs
  2. 2015 - Historic Black church in Charleston, South Carolina
  3. 2017 - Sutherland Springs, Texas
  4. 2019 - Texas Church of Christ
  5. 2022 - Presbyterian church in Orange County, California

It is not just churches of course.

In 2012 a man gunned down six people at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. And in 2018, a gunman killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.

It has gotten so bad, that a small industry has grown up around keeping congregations safe.

Some churches' security plans amount to this: Hope nothing bad happens, he says. Harris says he launched Full Armor in 2016 to accommodate a growing number of churches searching for ways to boost their security.

"Hope is not a strategy," says Harris

There is more. Click thru.

Consider all of this, the expanding trends of violence toward Christians, the expanding number of Antisemitic attacks in New York, and ask yourself why the Left (in the person of the Governor of New York State) is trying so hard to ban law-abiding citizens from being armed in their places of worship. It is almost as if she wants people to physically attack the religious. That is certainly what it looks like to me.


  1. A number of my friends are conceal carry ushers for their church's. They are there from the first to last service every Sunday.

  2. The few times a year I actually attend services, I am in concealed carry mode with spare mags and on Col. Cooper's "Code Yellow." I am not any kind of church security, just armed as I always am. But even more vigilant than normal due to the "soft target" environment of a house of worship.


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