11 June 2023

No COVID Rules for Migrant Students in Chicago

Follow the science? That was LAST year you dope! Parents infuriated as migrants enroll in Chicago schools without health records after years of COVID rules | Fox News

Chicago-area parents are voicing their outrage over public schools allowing migrant children to enroll without health documentation, as cities across the U.S. are dealing with an influx of migrants into their communities.

Mother Jennifer Preston joined "Fox & Friends First" on Thursday to discuss the hypocrisy of requiring vaccination records from residents, while migrants are allowed to enroll without such documents.

Apparently everything from Rubella to COVID to Mumps will ignore people based on their Social Justice Victim Score. (Shut Up and do what you are told, peasant!)

The city's sanctuary policies toward migrants has prompted outrage from residents, which boiled over at a recent meeting about a college being used as temporary housing for migrants.

Chicago voted to be a "Sanctuary City" when the problem was far away, and only Red States were impacted. The average parent/man-in-the-street didn't pay attention. Well now they are paying attention, and they are pissed off!

"We are inviting in everyone like a magnet, ‘Everyone come here, collect all your freebies. We are going to give it to you.' Every sucker in here is going to pay for it," another resident said.

Which they didn't care about when it was impacting Texas and Florida. Now they care.

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