12 February 2023

High School Student Sues Teacher/District on 1st Amendment Grounds

This is delicious. Iowa student sues over 2A t-shirt suspension. Note: I have not watched the video at that link.

An Iowa high schooler has filed a federal lawsuit alleging that her school district and a civics teacher violated her First Amendment rights by suspending her for wearing a pro-Second Amendment t-shirt to class; a case that could one day have far-reaching implications for students across the country.

In the complaint, which is the topic of today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, the student (identified by her initials A.B.) alleges that just two days after discussing students’ rights to free speech in class, teacher Thomas Griffin “removed her from class and suspended her” for wearing a t-shirt promoting the Second Amendment, claiming it was “inappropriate”.

The teacher said HE would determine what speech was allowed. Click thru for an image of the shirt in question. (Hat tip to The DaleyGator)

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