17 December 2022

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 17 December

EBL is up first with Trump Thursday Trading Tank đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž

Don Surber: Trump was right about TikTok
RedState: Major Annoucement?

The Daley Gator - Political news and views for the weekend

American Greatness has this gem from VDH
American Tinker notes that Governor air gel might be opening is eyes

The Right Way - Top of the News

Deep State interference was a conspiracy theory, until it wasn’t - American Thinker
Did Biden’s Removal Of 251 Million Barrels Of Oil From The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Impact Prices At All? - The Lid

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 12.15.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Hollywood In Toto: Avatar: The Way of Water Offers Subversive Defense of Nuclear Family
The Lid: Gov. Ron DeSantis Asks Grand Jury to Probe Wrongdoing Over COVID Vax

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam of 12/14/22

Sundance at CTH had a real run yesterday with Glenn Greenwald Interviews Matt Taibbi on Twitter File Release, Tucker Carlson Asks the Right Question: “Could It Be That Twitter Is Actually an Intelligence Gathering Apparatus and Propaganda Tool”

Pixy Misa at Ambeint Irony - Daily News Stuff 14 December 2022

Twitter has dissolved its Trust and Safety Council hopefully in battery acid. (NBC)
The Trust and Safety Council was a group of radical left-wing pro-censorship volunteers who guided the Trust and Safety Team, a group of radical left-wing pro-censorship employees.

Vlad Tepes - Some interesting reveals and some well hidden pushback, more debate in UK parliament about vaxx reality: Links 2, December 14th, 2022

2. Meanwhile, back at the “College of Surgeons and Physicians”, they are busy pulling the licences of any doctor that follows medical science and their own best clinical judgment, as opposed to big pharma and government edicts. Now they have pulled the licence of Dr. Mark Trozzi.

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 12.15.22 (Evening Edition)

Victory Girls: Does Trump Really Want The Presidency Again?
Volokh Conspiracy: Today in Supreme Court History: December 15, 1791
Watts Up With That: Holy C^%@, Authoritarian Evil of ESG Emerges at Texas Hearing

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 10: The Daily Caller reported, "The Ohio Board of Education passed a resolution Tuesday that opposes the Biden administration Title IX revisions which protects students on the basis of gender identity.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 12/15/2022

Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved in the Kennedy Assassination’
Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson reported Thursday that the CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy

Once more from Wombat-socho - Late Night With In The Mailbox: 12.16.22

Vox Popoli: Free Speech Was Always Fake, also, We Don’t KNOW It Was the Vaxx
According To Hoyt: A Forgotten Sale And An HR Complaint, Comfort and Safety, and Hurty Speech

Battleswarm Blog - LinkSwarm For December 16, 2022

“Ukrainian Military Is Targeting Russian Fuel Supply Lines As Winter Approaches.” (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
Did Russian forces have a torture chamber for children in Ukraine?

Animal Magnetism - Animal’s Hump Day News

The Left, justifying censorship.
Elon Musk keeps kicking ’em and taking ’em.
This is actually racist.

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 12/15/22

"Perhaps the most important outcome of these releases is the broadening recognition that Twitter, Facebook, Google, et al., are part of government propaganda operations."
The Twitter Files Illustrate How Intelligence Agencies Can Rig Politics

Maggie's Farm - Thursday morning links

Scholars work at ‘Decolonizing Light’ to combat ‘colonialism in contemporary physics’
Puberty Blockers Were Never Reversible Or Temporary

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The Brief: A Handy Cheat Sheet Of The Many Lies Exposed By Musk’s Release Of The Twitter Files

‱ So when will Jack Dorsey be indicted for lying to Congress? - Jazz Shaw
 â€ą â€˜We Cannot Afford It’: GOP House Leaders Advise Against Omnibus Spending - Bill Samantha

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Jonathan Haidt recommends my GMU Econ colleague Dan Klein’s new book, Smithian Morals.
Brian Balfour decries the protectionism that infects the Orwellian-named “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 12/15/2022

Coroner: ‘fit and healthy’ 27-year-old man’s death from blood clot ‘direct result’ of AstraZeneca Covid jab.
Some offspring of Moderna mRNA vaccine test rats born with skeletal deformities: Judicial Watch.

I leave you with Wednesday gifdump from Wirecutter, Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #836 from 90 Miles from Tyranny, Thursday Memes 
 from MaddMedic, and Thursdays Are For Libturds ~ Two from Woodsterman.

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