07 September 2022


Heilung released their new album on August 19th, so I thought having another song from them made sense. Especially since I like the song.

I am trying a link to Bandcamp, because while there is a YouTube video I find it beyond distracting bordering on disturbing. Well, not really disturbing, but it detracts from the music, which really can stand on its own. (If the embedding stuff doesn't work out, use the link provided. It should take you to the track.)

This may change over time, because the audio for the entire album is on YT, and I can jump right to the beginning of the song. Well, I can provided that Blogger stops screwing around with the HTML that I type in to "fix it for me." Unfortunately they have been "fixing" YouTube HTML by making some of it invalid. Aren't both Blogger and YouTube owned by the same parent company? All bureaucracies have some things in common, and lack of communication seems to be a standard.

This song is "Anoana" by Heilung from their new album titled Drif.


  1. Sorry it doesn't work for you, I am a Heilung fan and I find that the mysticism in the video enhances the experience for me.

  2. So I guess the embedding of songs from Bandcamp works OK. But they have the same problem that I get from Soundcloud. They won't play one song and stop. So, I probably won't do that again. Still at least it worked...


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