09 May 2022

Democrats Won't Even Think About Conservative Minorities

From The Other McCain - ‘Democrats Like to Pretend …’

“. . . that it’s always 1963, because that’s the last time they can remember being the good guys,” says Professor Glenn Reynolds.

Click thru for an interaction of Eric Swalwell, a Calfornia Liberal Democrat, and Wesley Hunt, a black Republican form Texas who was nominated to Congress from a district that is 70% white. It is both entertaining and sad.

Trust me, I’m the guy who wrote the book — well, I co-wrote it, anyway — demonstrating that the Democratic Party was rotten from the start, when Jefferson struck his deal with Aaron Burr and Tammany Hall to form the national party in opposition to John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists. Despite my own sympathies for the Jeffersonian ideal, and my opposition to the Adams/Hamilton axis representing northeastern hegemony and centralization of power in the early Union, nevertheless the seeds of corruption were present from the conception of what eventually became the Democratic Party.

So much more. And here's a link to the Hunt/Swalwell dust-up, or part of it anyway.

As for Democrats and conservative minorities, they are sticking to their line that we are all misguided, or mentally ill. After all, if we were smart, we would agree with them on everything.

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