10 May 2022

Another Anti-Semitic Hate Crime in New York

The situation is getting out of hand. Brooklyn rabbi attacked in latest anti-Semitic NYC hate crime

This attack happened in broad daylight in NYC.

“The Nazis and Hitler should have killed all the Jews!” the unidentified suspect screamed at the Jewish spiritual leader as he repeatedly punched the rabbi in the head.

Are we shocked?

As of May 1, cops were investigating 102 anti-Semitic hate crimes in the five boroughs — more than double the 50 reported in the first four months of 2021.

Anti Asian hate crimes are also on the rise. In a big way. (Up 300% according to the story at the next link.)

In the spirit of "No dollar left behind," NYC is planning to spend a bunch of cash on the problem. New York City Council calls for $5 million for hate crime prevention.

The funding will go to various places, but not to police, and to keeping people arrested for these crimes in jail. That would be unfair.

So they will be spending money on the Mayor’s Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, and giving the rest to community groups.

And of course one of the things they hope for is restriction of free speech. "But they're saying objectionable stuff."

In case you're wondering. I don't believe that anything NYC spends money on - except if they decide to spend money on enforcement - will fix the problem. They are giving money to their friends, and political associates, nothing more.

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