09 May 2022


I tripped over Eastern High about two years ago, but I never got the opportunity to investigate them in depth. Or I had the opportunity, but I just got distracted. They did get added to a playlist that I have not listened to in a very long time, but I was listening to it again recently, so here we are

Part of me wants to say that they would have been at home on an 1970s Top 40 station. Rock & Roll with a classic feel. Mostly. Today's song is a bit laid back for 1970s radio. Not in your face Heavy Metal (or Rock & Roll), but still enough drums, and guitars for a Monday afternoon. Not quite a Power Ballad. Not quite a Heavy Metal song. Tell me what you think in the comments.

I have heard enough of their music to know that I like some of it, and also that I do not like some of it. I think I mostly object to the songwriting. But I've been told that it usually takes a couple or three albums before the songwriting gets ironed out. Maybe I just need to wait. They have produced some new music since I listened to the early works.

This song is "Afterglow" by Eastern High from their 2017 album Garden of Heathens.

The playlist consists of Power Ballads, acoustic versions of Heavy Metal songs, and few things like this that I was using to torment friends, who almost universally say that they don't like heavy metal, and then when I play this, they say something along the lines, of, "See, I like that song," and then I get to say, "But I thought you hated Metal."

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