25 February 2022

Assaults in NYC on the Rise

Policies, like soft-on-crime, have consequences. Major crime in NYC rising as Eric Adams looks to save city.

They will have trouble spinning these numbers as anything but bad news.

New police data shows that serious crime is up nearly 14 percent this year as of Sunday, compared to the same period in 2020 — when the city was bustling before COVID-19.

And while there have been a large number of car thefts...

New York has seen an uptick in felony assaults, burglary and grand larceny over the first eight weeks of 2022.

And in a completely unsurprising reaction to rising crime... 65 percent of New York voters back stricter bail law: poll.

New York state voters want to see the controversial bail law tightened amid concerns about a surge in violent crime, a new poll released Tuesday reveals.

91 percent of those surveyed said that crime is a "very serious or somewhat serious problem," with 60 percent saying "very serious."

That holds true across the state, and across demographic differences.

So, the Democrats and their soft-on-crime DAs have succeeded in uniting people: Everyone hates their soft-on-crime policies and the crime that comes with them.

Back to the first article at the top.

There have been 300 more serious assaults this year, compared to 2020 — 2,994 versus 2690, an 11.3 percent increase, according to the data released Monday.

Burglaries are up 6.6 percent from 1,908 to 2,034 and grand larcenies up 7 percent from 3,753 to 6,763, the data shows.

Shooting are up 60 percent from 97 to 154.

That is the backdrop for which Eric Adams wants people to return to Manhattan offices. Of course a lot of those people will never return to Manhattan.

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