23 October 2021

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 23 October

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain starts things rolling with In The Mailbox: 10.20.21

First Street Journal: California Wants To Close Traditional Power Plants Due To #Climate Emergency, also, Irony Is So Ironic
Gates Of Vienna: The Smuggling Of Migrants Through Belarus

EBL - Brian Laundrie Found? 🐊🐔

CBS News: Human remains found near Brian Laundrie belongings
Not confirmed yet, but likely. Alligators got to eat too...

The Right Way - Top of the News

Your Communist bull shit of the day - The Daley Gator
The DOJ has finally disgorged some exculpatory evidence about January 6 - IOTW Report

Political Hat - Quick Takes – The Woke War On Teachers: Terminating Whistle-blowers; Purging Dissenters; Unions Against Dissidents

Speak out about hateful racial indoctrination and our “vaunted” system of education will squash you.
Dissent as a private citizen outside of school, and you too could be purged.

Battleswarm Blog - LinkSwarm for October 22, 2021

Senate Republicans successfully filibuster Democrats’ voting fraud bill. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
Evidently Commie Girl isn’t a popular choice to be Comptroller of the Currency.

Flopping Aces - The Week in Radical Leftism, 10/22/21

10/15 – Ecowarrior Bill Gates Arrives by Helicopter
Remember, serfs, the sacrifices needed to avert Climastrology’s apocalyptic teachings will be made by us, not our moral and intellectual superiors

A View from the Beach - Election 2020: Merrick Makes a Stand

Elle Reynolds at Da Fed wonders When Did Sexual Assault In Schools Become A Partisan Issue?. When Republican used it against Democrats. As the NYPo notes Democrats aim to make anyone who disagrees with them an enemy of the state

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 10.21.21

Cafe Hayek: JP Sears Continues – Thankfully – To Speak Out
CDR Salamander: Culture, Competition, & Conflict
Da Tech Guy: Just Desserts
And The Fingers In The Pie, Under The Fedora

Vlad Tepes - Heaping evidence that the vaxx does nothing, or makes it all worse: Links 1, October 21, 2021

1. There is no new axe.
2. NIH Admits Funding Gain-Of-Function COVID Experiments; Gives EcoHealth Five Days To Report Data

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 10/21/2021

British MPs Face Significant Terrorism Threat
British MPs face a significant danger of being the target of terrorist attacks. UK Home Secretary Priti Patel said on Wednesday

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 9: A Politico/Morning Consult showed 62% of registered voters hold the Biden administration responsible for the 13-year high in inflation.

Cafe Hayek - Some Covid Links

Jacob Sullum wonders when encouraging trends in Covid test results will be reflected in CDC advice.

Once again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 10.22.21

Transterrestrial Musings: The Mess In LA & Long Beach Harbors, also, Jab Mandates For Cops
Victory Girls: Sleepy Joe’s CNN Town Hall In Baltimore Bombs

Maggie's Farm - Wednesday morning links

Speaking of racists like Jefferson, apparently St. RBG was one too.
McAuliffe sweats: My comments about parents not telling schools what to teach are being taken "out of context"

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The Rape of America’s Borders

Alarming Wage Report Not Being Discussed in Financial Media: CTH
A View From Inside the Global Warming Scam: Stephen McIntyre

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 10/21/2021

White House details plans to vaccinate 28M children age 5-11.
A Florida judge on Tuesday rejected the latest petition asking that a hospital be ordered to administer ivermectin to a woman extremely ill with COVID-19.

Misanthropic Humanitarian at Ace of Spades HQ - The Seftonless Morning Report - Thursday October 21, 2021

A Harvard education is a requirement to run genocide camps in China.
They can clamor for police defunding. But, they enjoy spending money on their own protection.

I leave you with Thursday Memes 
 from MaddMedic, Thursday gifdump from Wirecutter, Cartoon Round Up.... from Theo Spark, and My Libturd Warehouse is Overflowing ~ 3 from Woodsterman.

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