Sticks and stones may break my bones, but firearms can really ruin your day. Overnight shooting in Glendale neighborhood leaves 1 dead
I suppose it is an ego thing. They couldn't let someone get away with "saying that." Or something.
Investigators say the victim and another man started arguing, which escalated into a fight. The victim was initially able to break free and run away, but he then turned toward the shooter and “made a movement like he was armed,” according to police.
Glendale, Arizona is a suburb of Phoenix, being about an 11 mile drive northwest of downtown.
He was free of the fight. He was on his way out. He decided that he wanted to fight some more.
He was shot, and pronounced dead at a local hospital.
So. He lost his life over an argument, over words. He should have just walked away.
The investigation is ongoing, so the police are releasing very little information. The "Professional Journalist" seems a bit confused by that.
Arizona is not New Jersey, though the lack of details makes it hard to say how this will fall out. I suppose it will depend on witnesses and any video from security cameras.
And when did "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," go out of style?
Self-defense is a human right.
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