17 March 2025

The Battle Is Not Over, But Just Begun

From The Other McCain: Making Sense of Democrat Disarray and the Future of the MAGA Revolution

We've had some fun laughing at the Democrats defending fraud and corruption on a grand scale, but there is work to be done.

They thought 2020 meant they could do anything and never pay a price.

Unfortunately for Democrats, the errors of the Biden era were numerous and quite harmful, and the appearance of the 2020 election as a decisive anti-Trump referendum proved to be an illusion. Once Biden’s cognitive decline became undeniable, and he was forced off the ticket in favor of Kamala Harris, there was a decisive shift in the other direction, yet even then Democrats remained in denial. The media kept hyping up the “joy” of Kamala’s campaign, and the usual suspects produced polls showing Harris leading Trump by four, five, even six points during that August/September period. They wanted to believe . . .

Click thru for a serious look at what comes next.


  1. I don't think the Republicans think big enough. It's time to flip California and New York. Don't tell me it can't be done.

    1. you need to fix their laws to make vote fraud impossible or at least much harder than it is


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